Designed to quickly determine whether the socket has been through the swaging operation and assist in field inspections, it does not eliminate the need to perform standard production inspections which include gauging for the proper after swage dimensions or proof loading.
U.S. Patent 5,152,630 and foreign equivalents.
• Forged from special bar quality carbon steel, suitable for cold forming.
• Hardness controlled by spheroidize annealing.
• Swage Socket terminations have an efficiency rating of 100% based on the catalog strength of wire rope.
• Stamp for identification after swaging without concern for fractures (as per directions in National Swaging Brochure).
NOTE: S-501 Swage Sockets are recommended for use with 6 x 19 or 6 x 37,
IPS or XIP (EIP), XXIP (EEIP), RRL, FC or IWRC wire rope.In accordance with
ANSI B30.9, all slings terminated with swage sockets shall be proof loaded.*