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Don’t Neglect Safety During Summer Construction

Jun 26, 2015General0 comments

It’s summer. That’s all well and good, but that doesn’t mean construction projects come to a halt. Summer weather, with high temperatures and sticky, uncomfortable humidity, can present its fair share of challenges during the construction and building process. With some caution, workers can remain as safe and productive as possible, even in the most extreme weather. Here are a few tips to get workers through the summer heat:

Take Steps To Beat The Heat

Construction workers who are heading out in the heat can take several steps to protect themselves from it. First, sunscreen is always a good idea. Keep in mind that it may wash or rub off after a few hours, so it is also important to reapply sunscreen at regular intervals. Hats and long sleeves are also key; unlike sunscreen, garments will stay put, reliably protecting workers from the sun during their entire shifts. Finally, anyone doing physical labor outside in the sun for hours at a time should make certain to drink plenty of water and stay adequately hydrated.

Don’t View Rainy Days As A “Free Pass”

After a dry spell or a streak of particularly hot weather, construction workers may welcome the chance to work in the rain. While it may certainly help bring temperatures down and keep workers cool, that’s not all rain and precipitation can do. Unfortunately, rain can also make surfaces very slippery and possibly unsafe, if companies and workers do not follow necessary precautions. For example, workers should use lifting chains and lifting slings to transport particularly heavy objects and materials, review fall arrest training and fall protection courses, and utilize fall protection equipment as necessary.

Summer presents a host of challenges for workers in the construction industry. Companies can keep workers safe by making certain they stay hydrated and cool during dry spells and by using lifting slings and fall arrest equipment in slippery, rainy conditions.


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